Our Mission

What would happen if we suddenly made specific education and training that supported sustainable economic development and environmental stewardship available to everyone, everywhere? What effect would it have on our ability to re-establish a sustainable balance back to our planet?

Energime Institute has the single mission of providing the means by which we mentor and empower our global population with the critical skills necessary to carry out this monumental effort. By creating a central education platform that connects the world in a unified and structured approach, we can manage our finite resources and protect our fragile environment. Energime Institute will prepare our future workforce by establishing learning annexes world-wide through a vast inter-connective partnership. This network will be supported by a growing and robust online capability created to foster this global collaborative effort.

To be clear, Energime Institute currently offers courses and content on an non-accredited basis.  It is our plan to be a fully accredited education/training platform in the next few years once we expand our curriculum sufficiently and acquire an existing College/University through which we will offer those accredited courses.  That being said, many of the courses we will and currently offer are the same courses taught at major Universities on an accredited basis. It is our plan to offer this exceptional content at greatly reduced prices(Or free to those who cannot afford)to students and workers globally such that we can spread this knowledge. That empowerment  is our core mission, not providing the means by which a student acquires an MBA.

Energime Institute (Saving the Planet 101)

We need your help. A dedicated and passionate group of some of the world’s foremost scientists and educators have come together for a special purpose. Together, they are attempting to bring structure to an global effort that governments and humanitarian /environmental groups around the world have failed to accomplish. Energime Institute is embarking on a quest to educate and provide the empowering skills training required by our global population to re-establish a sustainable balance back to our planet. Classes and courses will be offered and taught live and over the internet by the visionary scientists, inventors, integrators, and business experts who are leading the way in this effort. These forums will cover the newest and most innovative transformative technologies, operational protocols, and ground breaking projects now in development. This is a unique opportunity for students to listen, learn, and get empowered from this generations Teslas, Einsteins, and Buckminster Fullers.

Every great journey begins with a single step. This visionary project is supported by over 150 doctorate level educators and sustainable technology pioneers. Our initial project will serve as a template and central site for what we hope will be hundreds of similar projects worldwide.

Why Energime Institute is Essential

Within a generation’s time every corner of our planet will be facing a defining crisis in regards to how we produce our energy, grow and raise our food, and how we manage our clean water and waste streams. A systematic collapse of our resources has already begun and the affects are being painfully felt throughout the world, particularly in developing countries. At the same time we are damaging our biosphere to the point where soon, some of this damage will be irreversible and have substantive long term consequences for future generations. What we do, or do not do in advance to prepare and respond to these challenges will permanently shape the bio-diversity and vitality of our biosphere, and impact our survivability and the quality of life for our children.

Energime is leading a collaborative effort which includes more than 400 tech and business development groups in over 140 countries in an attempt to bring structure and synergy to this global effort. We need to get everyone on the same page and working together if this is going to succeed.

What Energime Institute Hopes to Accomplish

Energime Institute will have three main goals. The first is to train students in the skills required to run this new sustainable infrastructure. We will need tens of millions of specially trained workers to populate the industries and factories that will produce these new technologies, and direct the advanced agriculture, farming, waste and water management protocols that will be the key to this turnaround. Courses and curricula
will be specific to developing this skilled workforce so they can support regional efforts throughout the world. The plan is to empower individuals to participate in the ongoing projects and jobs being created through our global partnerships in these key areas.

The second goal is to offer a basic curriculum to the general population that clearly defines how each individual, household, business, and local government can adapt affordable changes that support this effort. We are living in a new world with new challenges. If we are to get this right it is essential for our population to change the way they relate to our resources. New technologies and advanced protocols will help by increasing output, productivity, and efficiency. It is still necessary to address the consumption part of the equation. If we do not educate our consumer based population to manage their consumption on a more sustainable basis, all attempts at increasing our output will eventually fail.

Finally, we must educate our business, governmental, and social leaders. They need to understand and implement the proper protocols and methodologies required to allow this process to go forward in a manner that is economically feasible and ultimately adaptable. Without that understanding we will not have the money to finance this global effort. This is essential if we are to re-establish a sustainable balance between consumption and resource management. It is that lack of understanding that has been key to our failures thus far.