Behind the Scenes with the Energime University Founder and Director

By William Sosinsky I have recently embarked on writing a book outlining the guiding principles behind Energime and the core of our methodology as we look to empower our population with the critical tools we need as we face our future challenges. The following excerpt is from a chapter in the book “The World We Will Leave Our Children.” [blockquote text="When did…

Read more about the article Our Food Chain is at Risk (Part 2): We are Emptying our Oceans of Fish
A net bulging with tuna and bycatch on the Ecuadorean purse seiner 'Ocean Lady', which was spotted by Greenpeace in the vicinity of the northern Galapagos Islands while using fishing aggregating devices (FADs). Around 10% of the catch generated by purse seine FAD fisheries is unwanted bycatch and includes endangered species of sharks and turtles. The catch of large amounts of juvenile bigeye and yellowfin tunas in these fisheries is now threatening the survival of these commercially valuable species. Greenpeace is calling for a total ban on the use of fish aggregation devices in purse seining and the establishment of a global network of marine reserves LAT 04:09 NORTH / LONG 091:31 WEST

Our Food Chain is at Risk (Part 2): We are Emptying our Oceans of Fish

By William Sosinsky In keeping with the theme of the last article we need to examine how we are managing our oceans for food production and the issues we will soon be facing unless we dramatically change our global management practices. Scientists from monitoring groups as diverse as NOAH, The United Nations, and Stanford University are warning us that if we continue…


Our Food Chain is at Risk (Part 1): Peak Phosphorus

By William Sosinsky One of the main areas of concern in regards to a sustainable food chain is a key component of fertilizer which is essential for cell wall, root, and flower development in plants; Phosphorus. Without this crucial and irreplaceable mineral there would be no “fertilizer” and our current global agricultural model as we know it today would collapse. The loss…


The Tipping Point

As far back as I can remember since we as people began to recognize our potential to destroy our planet’s environment, experts have spoken of a tipping point. This is a theoretical time frame where our collective action would no longer offset catastrophic damage to our biosphere. The reality is we passed that tipping point years ago. The wheels of change are…


We Have to Stop Treating our Waste like Garbage!

It is clear these days that world is being overrun with waste. You cannot help but notice all the articles that talk about landfills being decommissioned as they fill to capacity, or the huge amounts of refuse being shipped to far off places that will still accept those shipments. And those are the good stories. In the developing world, people are essentially…


The Protocols of Sustainable Investment

It occurs to me after watching the world struggle with the issues of a changing environment, energy shortages, and global food security that nobody really seems to know what they are doing and not enough is getting accomplished. In this article, let’s examine the problem of what is currently being done incorrectly and why, and in next month’s issue of the ECOSEED…


Sustainable World Economics are the Key to a Green Future

For most of my life I have watched our natural environment being destroyed with little to nothing of substance being done to halt that destruction. Since I first became aware and sensitive to the negative direction we (humanity) were headed, I have asked myself the same questions again and again. Why isn't anyone trying to stop this insanity? Do people not realize…


Green Investing is Killing Our Planet

It is well past the time where we need to get an uncomfortable truth out into the open. Not all supposed “green investments” are good for the planet. In fact, money invested into some very large “sustainable” projects support some of the most destructive activities currently being perpetrated upon our environment. The great majority of these include efforts to produce “renewable” energy…


11 Ways We Can Address Our Future Global Food Challenges

Most of the main efforts these days related to sustainability seem to be focused around issues concerning energy. That is easy to understand with oil prices near all time highs, and the recent energy-related environmental catastrophes in the Gulf of Mexico (BP) and Japan (Nuclear) fresh in our minds. These daily reports of dwindling fuel supplies and the environmental impacts of fossil/nuclear…


News Update

Izmir, Turkey– Energime Power in partnership with Green BioProducts and Greentech Group has signed a joint venture agreement to develop Turkey’s first Vertical Indoor Farm. This EISTEP (Energime Integrated Sustainable Technology Platform) facility will include a below ground aquaculture component, advanced solar thermal collectors and heat transfer technologies, as well as a waste conversion plant to produce NPK Liquid fertilizer from animal…