Green Investing is Killing Our Planet

It is well past the time where we need to get an uncomfortable truth out into the open. Not all supposed “green investments” are good for the planet. In fact, money invested into some very large “sustainable” projects support some of the most destructive activities currently being perpetrated upon our environment. The great majority of these include efforts to produce “renewable” energy…


11 Ways We Can Address Our Future Global Food Challenges

Most of the main efforts these days related to sustainability seem to be focused around issues concerning energy. That is easy to understand with oil prices near all time highs, and the recent energy-related environmental catastrophes in the Gulf of Mexico (BP) and Japan (Nuclear) fresh in our minds. These daily reports of dwindling fuel supplies and the environmental impacts of fossil/nuclear…


Why Integrated Sustainable Design (ISD) is the Future of Green Technology

By William Sosinsky, CEO Energime People often ask me why my company Energime is so focused on developing a platform model based on the principles of Integrated Sustainable Design. Why does linking or “bundling” technologies makes more sense than addressing each challenge separately? The simple response is that it maximizes efficiency, increases production values, promotes technology integration, empowers adaptation potential, and creates…