Help us defend our climate by educating and actively forcing changes.
This is the time to support and be part of the Energime University movement.
Be part of the solution. Be part of Energime University !

The Time To Support Is Right Now!

Never before has it been so important and necessary for humanity to act in common purpose if we are to
substantially counter the momentum of resource depletion and environmental destruction. Acting
together with focus and determination we can and must turn things around. Our children are depending on it.

Top 3 Reasons To Donate:

We deliver solutions. Energime is leading a
collaborative effort which includes more than 400
tech and business development groups in over 140
countries in an attempt to bring structure and
synergy to this global effort. We need to get
everyone on the same page and working together if
this is going to succeed.

Speed and scale. We build partnerships and
incubate solutions that can spread at speed and
scale. You care about the future.

The climate crisis is dire. We all need to
work together for the future of our children and all


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FREE Gift with Every Contribution

“The World We Leave Our Children”

The Complete Guide to the Steps We Need to Take to Save Our Planet”

As a way to say thank you for your support, you will receive the following gifts

  1. Donate $25 or more – Receive a free copy of the eBook “The World We Leave Our Children”
  2. Donate $100 or more – Receive free copy of the eBook “The World We Leave Our Children” and a printed and signed book