Help us defend our climate by educating and actively forcing changes. This is the time to support and be part of the Energime University movement. Be part of the solution. Be part of Energime University!


Our Mission

Energime University is committed to providing quality educational resources that give people the knowledge and methods to protect our fragile environment. We inspire to empower communities with critical skills needed to save our planet. Your donation will help spread the global truth, now is the time to act!

The Time To Support Is Right Now!

Never before has it been so important and necessary for humanity to act in common purpose if we are to substantially counter the momentum of resource depletion and environmental destruction. Acting together with focus and determination we can and must turn things around. Our children are depending on it. By join our team, individual efforts will be multiplied into mass momentum.

How Will Your Donation Help?

Accreditation. We plan to become a fully accredited institution over the next few years. Your donation will help us formalize the education process to reach that goal. Accreditation will make our courses more relevant in combating negative climate changes.

Connect Scientist with Communities.
Scientists need help informing the public. Money we receive from donations will be used to build the infrastructure needed for scientist to reach communities world wide, both live and over the internet.

Train and Educate a Sustainable Workforce. Energime works with over 150 doctorate level educators and sustainable technology pioneers to help train tomorrow’s green workforce. Donations will help create a cleaner and sustainable economy.

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FREE Gift with Every Contribution

“The World We Leave Our Children”

The Complete Guide to the Steps We Need to Take to Save Our Planet”

As a way to say thank you for your support, you will receive the following gifts

Donate $25 or more – Receive a free copy of the eBook “The World We Leave Our Children”

Donate $50 or more – Receive free copy of the eBook “The World We Leave Our Children” and a printed and signed book

Donate $100 or more – Receive free copy of the eBook “The World We Leave Our Children” and a printed and signed book



Energime university is a registered nonprofit 501 c3 Charitable organization since 2014 . We will automatically send you a tax-deductible receipt via email when you complete your donation.