The Tipping Point

A man's conscience, like a warning line on the highway, tells him what he shouldn't do - but it does not keep him from doing it.Frank A. Clark As far back as I can remember since we began to recognize our potential to destroyour planet’s environment, experts have spoken of a tipping point. This is atheoretical time frame where our collective action…


The Threats To Agriculture And The Collapse Of Our Food Chain – Part 2

So let us break down some of the major areas where the food chain is currentlyvulnerable and examine the threats to our resources that are behind this prediction.I will keep these sections as concise as possible and concentrate on the specificissues (How we provide solutions will follow later in this book).  The Impacts of Climate ChangeThe key impacts of climate change…


The Threats To Agriculture And The Collapse Of Our Food Chain – Part 1

Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women's empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.Ban Ki-moon The 21 st century will be about food scarcity, not a lack of energy.It amazes…


Energime Institute Announces Partnership with Michael Timmons

Energime Institute is announcing that Michael Timmons and Atlantic Pacific Jade have entered into a co-development partnership to develop state-of-the-art aquaculture facilities throughout the US and abroad as part of the Energime global food security and sustainable economic development mission. APJ which operates a large production facility in Doral Beach Florida will assistEnergime in all planning and implementation as well as direct…


Question and Answers With Energime Institute Ambassador from Cameroon Patu Ndango Fen

Energime Institute- Patu tell us a bit about yourself. How did you decide to become an advocate for the environment and women specifically? I believe in the ability of youths to create opportunities for themselves and for others as a means of fighting unemployment. This pushed me to create my own social enterprise known as Closed-Loop System Ventures (CLSV) in 2016. This was…


Competitiveness comes at scale for RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) operations

Land-based systems play important roles for salmon aquaculture, but can RAS production ever catch up to net pens? Kuterra workers harvest farmed salmon at the company’s land-based RAS facility in British Columbia. By Tim Sprinkle In 2010, the SOS (Save Our Salmon) Marine Conservation Foundation entered into a unique partnership with the ‘Namgis First Nation in British Columbia. Their goal? To plan,…


The Relation between Permaculture, Human Health & Holistic Well-being. How Body, Mind and Spirit Can Heal through the Application of Systems Design

Bill Mollison, the Australian researcher, scientist and “father of Permaculture” stated that Permaculture itself is the positivistic response to our environmental crisis. With this, Mollison means that people must observe their surroundings and formulate their knowledge around what their senses allow them to take in. Based on the interpretation of this sensory experience, humanity can derive information through reason and logic. Instead…


Are Agricultural Farms the Main Polluters in Viet Nam?

By Paul A. Olivier PhD The Vietnamese people get upset when they see industrial pollution. Think back on the pollution generated by the Formosa Steel Plant and how people were thoroughly outraged. But one might argue that industrial pollution is only a small part of the pollution problem in Vietnam. One might argue that many of the same Vietnamese people who denounce industrial…