Question and Answers With Energime Institute Ambassador from Cameroon Patu Ndango Fen

Energime Institute- Patu tell us a bit about yourself. How did you decide to become an advocate for the environment and women specifically? I believe in the ability of youths to create opportunities for themselves and for others as a means of fighting unemployment. This pushed me to create my own social enterprise known as Closed-Loop System Ventures (CLSV) in 2016. This was…


There’s a 95 percent chance the world will warm beyond a crucial tipping point — here’s what that means

By Kevin Loria By 2100, the world will be different. A newly published study estimates that there's a 95% chance global temperatures will rise more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. That's the level that's frequently considered the tipping point beyond which the consequences of climate change become catastrophic. The goal of the Paris Agreement was to set…


Climate change may be escalating so fast it could be ‘game over’, scientists warn

New research suggests the Earth's climate could be more sensitive to greenhouse gases than thought, raising the spectre of an 'apocalyptic side of bad' temperature rise of more than 7C within a lifetime Ian Johnston Environment Correspondent Wednesday 9 November 2016 If the Earth's temperature rises seven degrees Celsius, it could trigger the kind of runaway global warming that may have turned Venus…


World Bank loan scheme ‘failing clean energy’

By Mark Kinver Environment reporter, BBC News Nations have committed themselves to decarbonising their economies as part of the Paris Climate Agreement A multi-billion dollar global fund is encouraging the construction of fossil fuel projects, at the expense of cleaner options, a study reports. An NGO said that some World Bank policy loans had the effect of supporting coal, gas and oil…


Most people are wildly underestimating what Trump’s win will mean for the environment

Updated by David Roberts and Brad Plumer Nov 14, 2016, 9:21am EST It’s not just Trump. Take a look at Congress. Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images Unified Republican control of the federal government over the next two years augurs a sea change in US environmental policy like nothing since the late 1960s and ’70s, when America’s landmark environmental laws were first passed.…


‘Poisoned Waters’ — An In-Depth Look at the Sources and Impact of Water Pollution

November 05, 2016  By Dr. Mercola The 1972 Clean Water Act regulates discharges of pollutants into U.S. waterways and sets quality standards for surface waters. It was supposed to ensure clean water for swimming and fishing, yet after more than four decades of clean water regulations, our waterways are in serious jeopardy. In Frontline’s special report, “Poisoned Waters,” which originally aired in…


Will ExxonMobil Have to Pay for Misleading the Public on Climate Change?

Scientists at the biggest U.S. oil company understood as early as anyone that fossil fuel emissions were heating up the earth’s atmosphere. Paul Barrett Matthew Philips matthewaphilips Cover September 7, 2016 — 11:00 AM CEST Last fall, ExxonMobil executives hurried along the hushed, art-filled halls of the company’s Irving, Texas, headquarters, a 178-acre suburban complex some employees facetiously call “the Death Star,” to…


The World Now Protects 15% of Its Land, but Crucial Biodiversity Zones Left Out Sat, Sep 3, 2016

- Close to 15% of the Earth's land and 12% of its territorial waters are covered by national parks and other protected areas. - Coverage of marine protected areas more than quadrupled in the last decade. - Eight in 10 key biodiversity areas worldwide lack complete protection. Every year over a million people visit the Plitvice National Park in Croatia 2 September…


US to commit $100bn per year by 2020 to fight climate change in developing countries

Michal Szymanski, UN Environment News & Media Alessandro Badalotti, IUCN Congress media team  UNEP News Center  1 September 2016 Yesterday, the US announced that by 2020, they would invest $100 billion per year to help developing countries fight climate change. India and the US committed themselves to the new agreement in a joint statement, which took place during the Second India-US Strategic…


An Updated Version of the “Peak Oil” Story

Scott Montgomery August 12, 2016 Originally posted on Written by Gail Tverberg The Peak Oil story got some things right. Back in 1998, Colin Campbell and Jean Laherrère wrote an article published in Scientific American called, “The End of Cheap Oil.” In it they said: Our analysis of the discovery and production of oil fields around the world suggests that within the next…