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California Shuts Down Commercial Crab Season “Indefinitely” Cites “naturally-occurring toxin” but real culprit is Radiation

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Post by Newsroom – Nov 07, 2015

Fish and now Crabs off California, too radioactive to eat

Just 1 week after this web site broke news of Fukushima radiation in fish & seafood, California officials have cancelled commercial crab season “indefinitely” citing “protection of the public health.” Yet in a classic case of “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull****” California officials have offered the following absurd reason to the public for this action:

Global warming has heated the ocean to the point that a particular algae, Pseudo-Nitzchia, is blooming in great swaths along California’s coast.  The algae produces a neurotoxin called domoic acid which accumulates in crab and other seafood. If consumed by humans the neurotoxin can cause memory loss, tremors or death.

However, workers in the California Fish and Game Commission have revealed to SuperStation95 that the real reason for cancelling this $60 million per year commercial seafood season is: Radiation contamination of seafood from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

According to these workers, who requested anonymity because they fear losing their jobs, radiation levels in local crab, especially Rock crab, were so high that officials feared anyone who consumed the crabs would suffer immediate sickness traceable directly back to the seafood.  “If people started connecting the dots proving radiation in seafood was making them sick, it would utterly destroy California’s seafood industry in days” they said.

To cover up the industry-destroying truth, high ranking state political officials instructed the Fish and Wildlife Commission that it would be better to say “some other reason for cancelling the crab season, so as not to panic the public or wreck our industry.”  The thinking by the political people was that as long as the public was protected from eating the contaminated food, they didn’t need to know the real reason for it.

This is yet another nail in the coffin of California and other west coast sates, all of which are now receiving ever-increasing dosages of radioactive materials carried to north America by prevailing ocean currents from Fukushima, Japan.

In March, 2011 an earthquake off the coast of Japan caused a Tsunami which hit the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, causing three reactors to melt down and explode.

deformed salmon

Photo Credit: Craig Banner



Fish and seafood are often considered healthy, and most people feel like seafood is good for you. However, today, is that really the case?

As of June 2015, the radiation in the Pacific Ocean reached the US West Coast; the seafood you’ve been eating from the Pacific ocean is loaded with Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. Both radioactive. Strontium-90 mimics calcium. Both radioactive strontium and cesium may end up getting deposited in human bones, where the radiation wreaks havoc on bone marrow, causing bone cancers and blood cancers like Leukemia.

The radiation in the fish is so terrible that wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, Pacific Herring, and Canadian whitefish are being found bloody, with cancerous tumors throughout their bodies.

Radiation particles moving across the Pacific Ocean

Radiation Spreading Acrooss Pacific


Why is this problem 0ccurring? Fukushima…and perhaps nuclear disasters we do not know about. Everyone seems to know about how the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was hit by a tsunami which resulted in at least three reactors melting down and four reactors exploding.

This created a problem that the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) didn’t tell anyone about until a full YEAR after the disaster took place. Ground water, flowing from inland, was seeping beneath the blown-up reactors, coming into contact with the melted-down reactor cores, becoming highly radioactive, then flowing into the Pacific Ocean. 300 tons of this radioactive water has been seeping into the Pacific Ocean EVERY DAY since March 15, 2011. Nothing has stopped it, and the flow continues to this very day, October 31, 2015.

Of course, now most marine life in the Pacific Ocean is contaminated, and many animals are dying. Fish caught and tested near the site have tested positive for radioactive particles. Also, bluefin tuna found near California have also tested positive.

Convergence Zone in Pacific


If one looks at the ocean currents above, they can easily see how most sea life in the Pacific Ocean is affected by the leaked radiation. The radiation in the fish is so terrible that wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, Pacific Herring, and Canadian whitefish are being found bloody, with cancerous tumors throughout their bodies.

deforemed salmon meat

The government and nuclear power industry say there is nothing to worry about, but the deaths of sea life and the strange growths found on fish tell a different story.

According to the Local Environmental Observers (LEO) Network in Hydaburg, Alaska, strange growths in the flesh or meat of salmon have been found. “We were fishing for Cohos (silver salmon) at the mouth of the Hydaburg River with line and reel,” said Brian Holter, Jr., who said that eight fish were filled up inside with strange growths that were either white or pink in color. “On the outside the fish looked fine. The growths looked kind of like individual little salmon eggs, and about the same size. The people were seeing the same type of growths in their fish as well,” he continued.

It is also worth noting that commercially caught fish should always be questioned or avoided — radiation or not! Mercury fallout from coal burning should be considered as it accumulates in ocean fish and may lead to mercury poisoning. Several people sell commercially caught fish, whom I know personally, that say they would never eat it. I have also had friends who worked under oppressive conditions for fishermen in Alaska; they were not impressed with what they termed “the rape of Alaska’s wild, natural resources.”  If you eat fish, catch it yourself or buy from someone you know who catches away from contaminated waters.

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