Installing and Maintaining a Home Solar Electric System

Courtesy of the Department of Energy When choosing a contractor, ask about their work record, experience, and licenses, and get more than one bid for the installation of your PV system. | Photo courtesy of Dennis Schroeder, NREL. Making sure your home solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) system is sized, sited, installed, and maintained correctly is essential for maximizing its energy performance.…


20 Tips & Tricks for Vegetable Gardening

Courtesy of Planet Natural If it’s getting cold and you have tomatoes still ripening on the vine — save your tomatoes! Pull the plants up and bring them inside to a warm dry place. Hang them up, and the tomatoes will ripen on the vine. Keep garden vegetables from getting dirty by spreading a 1-2 inch layer of mulch (untreated by pesticides…


50 Ways to Green Your Business

Fast Company -Mark Borden, Jeff Chu, Charles Fishman, Michael A. Prospero, and Danielle Sacks Half-a-hundred options for cleaning up your business, from the universal (catch that rainwater!) to the specific (lose the plastic bowls!). Mix, match—join in. Imagine asking today how the Internet affects business. It's an absurd question, like asking how electricity changed business. Asking the same about sustainability, it turns…


How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

Courtesy of wikiHow Becoming more energy efficient isn't just for those of us who want to save the environment. Being energy efficient can really help your wallet. Whether it's something as big as installing solar panels, or something as small as turning off the lights, when you cut back on how much energy you use, you save money. There are many steps…


Indigenous Activist Murdered in Honduras Just Two Weeks After Berta Cáceres Was Killed

Nika Knight, Common Dreams | March 17, 2016 9:43 am | Comments Another member of Berta Cáceres’ Indigenous rights group was brutally murdered by unidentified assailants on Tuesday, following a violent eviction of Indigenous people from their land. Nelson Garcia, a father of five and community leader, was shot four times in the face—”gunned down in his home,” the Nation reported. His assassination occurred less than two weeks after Cáceres’,…


To Cut Ocean Trash, Adrian Grenier and Dell Enlist Filmmakers and Virtual Reality

By ANDREW C. REVKIN MARCH 15, 2016 2:43 PM March 15, 2016 Two scenes from a virtual-reality “ride” that takes viewers into the realm of whales, fish and sonic and plastic pollution.Credit Dell On a weekend visit to South by Southwest, the annual Austin festival focused on the intersection of ideas, technology, music and film, I ran into Adrian Grenier, who’s best known as an actor but is building a career…


Our Broken Environment Kills a Quarter of Us

John Tozzi March 15, 2016 The lead in the water in Flint, Mich., is a devastating reminder of how closely human health is intertwined with the environment. While the Flint crisis may be an egregious example of cruelty and neglect, the damaging consequences of a broken environment are all around us, a new tally by the World Health Organization shows. Nearly a quarter of all…


News coverage of Fukushima disaster found lacking

Few reports identified health risks to public March 10, 2016 American University A new analysis finds that US news media coverage following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan minimized health risks to the general population. Five years after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, the disaster no longer dominates U.S. news headlines, although experts say it is a…


Manure can spread antibiotic resistance

March 10, 2016 Manure from farm stables can promote genes in bacteria that help make them resistant to antibiotics, shows new study. By: Anne Ringgaard You may think that livestock manure is better for the environment and for us than artificial fertilisers. But this may not be the case, according to new research which shows that manure and slurry can help promote…


California Shuts Down Commercial Crab Season “Indefinitely” Cites “naturally-occurring toxin” but real culprit is Radiation

Post by Newsroom - Nov 07, 2015 Fish and now Crabs off California, too radioactive to eat Just 1 week after this web site broke news of Fukushima radiation in fish & seafood, California officials have cancelled commercial crab season "indefinitely" citing "protection of the public health." Yet in a classic case of "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with…