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(All lectures will be streamed via the internet on an invitation only basis)

Informative lectures will be given by the visionaries, inventors, technology developers, and innovators behind the newest and most transformational sustainable solutions soon to be unveiled. This exclusive subject matter will include overviews on revolutionary inventions, protocols, applications, and methodologies, providing expert insider insight into the future of sustainable global growth. There will also be lectures by the business visionaries behind some of the most transformational and cutting edge projects on the planet discussing installation details, financing, and project considerations on a variety of subjects. Select lectures will be part of the more expanded course materials and courses will be available that correlate to each lecture and which expand on each lecture subject in much greater detail.

A complete list of lectures will be available early next year. A sample of what to expect:

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The Vision of Sustainability

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” thickness=”1″ up=”0″][vc_column_text]An Introduction to Energime
Founder and CEO William Sosinsky

This presentation will cover the basic concepts, values, and goals behind the world’s first “Humanitarian Corporation”. The lecture will elaborate on the reasons Energime exists, what Energime is trying to accomplish, and the necessity of their evolutionary socio–economic model in re-establishing a sustainable balance on our planet. Hundreds of scientists, educators, technology companies, inventors, humanitarian, environmental, and political organizations are supporting this vision and have been inspired by this effort. Find out why.

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Founder and CEO Reinhold Ziegler

You are invited to share Professor Ziegler’s soaring vision of a renewable energy integrated future where our lives and our technology mesh together in a pollution free built-environment. This pioneer of Integrated Sustainable Design will share his views and ideas on reversing our present course that is leading to global environmental destruction. Listen to what can be done to insure the future for our children, on a  planet that is being poisoned by carbon based power.

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[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”0″][vc_column_text]An Introduction to “Red Sun” Solar Infrared technology
Vigil Perryman

The inventor will discuss this transformational, extremely efficient application which will soon replace photo-voltaic modules as the main solar harvesting system for commercial projects globally.

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The Affordable  Solar Concentrator Revolution
Richard Sapinenza

The inventor of the world’s first affordable consumer solar concentrator made entirely from composite plastics will discuss the evolution of this highly productive technology. A consumer “category killer”, this “Costco/Wal-Mart/Home Depot” appliance can replace grid based energy and provide home owners and consumers substantial savings for very little money.

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Get Ready for Nano Solar Paint
Doug Linman

The inventor will talk about his revolutionary application that will forever change the way we paint our homes and commercial buildings thereby turning them into solar collectors at a fraction of the cost of existing commercial solar systems.

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[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”0″][vc_column_text]The Evolution Of Vertical Axis Wind Technologies
Reinhold Ziegler

This lecture will feature one of the pioneers of modern wind energy discussing the technologies, differences between systems, and the many ground breaking projects of which he has been a part. This is a rare opportunity to get insight into the complexities, considerations, challenges, and choices that shaped this innovative revolution from the man who designed those projects.

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Sustainable Food and Water

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”0″][vc_column_text]EISTEP, the Future of Global Food Production
William Sosinsky

The Energime CEO will discuss the complex integrated technology platform that will insure regional populations have adequate nutrition to survive as climate change, environmental degradation, and resource mismanagement threaten our food supplies.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]The Omega Gardens System for Raising Produce
Ted Marchildon

The inventor will discuss the science and promise behind this radical inverted  agricultural  system which increases production density levels by as much as twenty times as compared to conventional farming methods using a fraction of the water.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]The Miracle of Vitruvian Gardens
Reinhold Ziegler

Designer and visionary Professor Ziegler will discuss development of cost effective Aeroponic/Hydroponic facilities which grow super nutritional organic produce with enormous improvements in production volumes and water conservation.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]The Roll Algae Will Play Feeding the World
Joseph Ravet

The Energime Director of Algae Sciences will discuss the critical evolving role algae will serve for our future planet as a food and feed source for livestock and aquaculture. Our exploding population will soon have to supplement conventional food sources if we are to keep up with the nutritional needs of these additional people and look to replace the current declining food resources we have come to depend on.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]Advanced Fish Farming Concepts for the 21st Century
Emily Bome

Advances in aquaculture have come a long way. New technologies, designs, feeding methods, disease management protocols, bio-flock development, and  environmental controls will be discussed. This lecture will outline the most current and cutting edge innovations while examining  future plans for expanding this crucial global industry.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]How Will We Provide Enough Potable Water for our Thirsty Planet?
To Be Announced

This discussion will examine all available water harvesting, water management, and reclamation technologies and protocols in use. Also included is the methodology behind evaluating the best regional strategies and solutions for managing this most precious resource.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]Reclaiming and Reusing “Fracked” and Industrial Waste Water
Mike Green

One of the biggest issues with oil exploration today is the danger of polluting valuable ground water sources as a  result of hydraulic fracking. Additionally, runoff from storm drains carries pesticides and a variety of pollutants into our riparian environments destroying river systems and coastal habitats. This lecture will look at some of the new technologies that will permanently solve these challenges, and also the larger issue of managing commercial water pollution so we can protect and preserve these priceless resources forever.

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Waste Management

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”0″][vc_column_text]Is Waste the Next big Fuel Source?
Richard Sapienza

There are many new technologies being developed to convert various organic waste streams into electricity and transportation fuels. Garbage may one day power our automobiles, aircraft, and sea vessels. This lecture will give the viewer a general overview of the different applications now being developed, and the challenges that face integrators as they search for the ideal way to produce power from that which we used to throw out.

[vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color=” thickness=” up=” down=”]Mining and Repurposing Recycled Waste for Industry and Commercial Infrastructure
Jay Dubinsky

A revolution is coming as to how we acquire the raw materials for the commodities and feed stocks that supply the needs of our global manufacturers. Waste reprocessing is about to come of age. Listen in on all the new technologies and applications that will make the term “Garbage” as obsolete as the typewriter.

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[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”0″][vc_column_text]Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Joseph Weinstock

An overview of the issues and challenges of an expanding population relating to maintaining a healthy environment. Impact assessment, agro eco-systems, biodiversity conservation, sustainable farming models, wetlands and coastal zones management, and mountain agro eco-systems will all be covered.

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Rebuilding the Nutrients in our Depleted and Polluted Agricultural Soil
Gregg Knibbs

Our reliance on fertilizer and our short sighted mismanagement of our farmlands and industrial sites have greatly impacted our ability to produce adequate, safe, and nutritional produce. This trend will reach crisis proportions in many regions of the world over the next few decades. This presentation will describe the  permaculture protocols and soil remediation and nutrient rebuilding efforts that are being developed to mitigate the damage to these valuable resources and make them fertile once again.

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Are Coal and Oil Necessarily Evils?
William Sosinsky

Fossil fuels have pushed our biosphere to the brink with global warming and acidification of our oceans. This lecture will look at the innovative new ways in which these fossil fuels will be used  and managed in the future dramatically limiting and eliminating their current negative effects on our  environment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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