Urban inequality and access: Will Habitat III rise to the challenge?

Jeffrey Gutman (Cover Photo) and Nirav Patel Monday, August 15, 2016 While cities worldwide continue to see rising levels of economic growth and inequality, inclusivity has emerged as a key goal for global leaders looking to encourage more sustainable urban development. The United Nations has outlined strategies in support of this effort – namely through its Sustainable Development Goals – but the…


Systemic sustainability as the strategic imperative for the post-2015 agenda

By Colin I. Bradford “The Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a ‘safe operating space’ for human beings,” concludes a paper by 18 researchers “trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world,” published in Science in January 2015. That our planetary environment seems to be approaching “breaking points” is but one of several systemic threats looming on…


Smashing Through 490 — Fragmenting Prospects for Avoiding 2 C Warming

By Robert Scribbler “The IPCC indicated in its fourth assessment report that achieving a 2 C target would mean stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at around 445 to 490 ppm CO2 equivalent or lower. Higher levels would substantially increase the risks of harmful and irreversible climate change.” –Johan Eliasch (NOAA’s greenhouse gas index shows that CO2e concentration for 2015 averaged 485…


Goal #3 for Transforming our World 2015-2030: Good Health and Well Being

Despite having numerous physical, psychological and moral ailments, throughout my life on earth, I don't recall feeling anything other than good health and well being. Maybe it is because I am an eternal optimist. Or maybe I am an eternal optimist because I have never felt anything other than health and well-being.   When you have chronic disabilities, such as me, you have to learn…


Universe to the Rescue

Sometimes, I wonder if anyone else ponders as much about life as I do. I don’t think I used to, but even during my earlier years, I always wondered if there was more. More than getting up, eating, going to work, being social (or not), eating again, and going to sleep. Why are we on this planet? And why is our planet…


Making Sustainable Sustainability Entrepreneurs

People with autism are prone to dying prematurely [http://bit.ly/23WJ7Es]. Children (up to 23 years of age in the USA) with autism are prone to suicide ideations and attempts [http://bit.ly/1JqH7hw]. Adults (aged 21 and upwards in UK) with Asperger's Syndrome also prone to suicide ideations and attempts [http://bit.ly/1KuwoBj]. Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are classed as serious mental diseases by the United Nations World Health Organisation…


Coral Reefs Are Stressed far From Human Activity

Climate change is badly degrading coral reefs far from human settlements. Cover photo-ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies / Terry Hughes The outlook for the world's coral reefs "keeps getting gloomier," according to the authors of a new study which shows that reefs far from human settlements are no healthier than those in more densely populated areas. The study shows,…


Giant Clam Poaching Wipes Out Reefs in South China Sea

By Rachael Bale PUBLISHED July 12, 2016 A new analysis of satellite imagery shows extensive coral reef damage in the South China Sea for the first time. Cover Photograph by John McManus -Giant clam poachers left this reef left broken and barren. More than 40 square miles (104 square kilometers) of coral reefs—some of the most biodiverse on Earth—have been destroyed by…