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Youth Climate Change Lawsuit Upheld!

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Earth Guardians Tribe April 8th 2016

Yesterday, the Federal District Court in Oregon rejected the appeals by the oil and gas industry and decided in favor of the 21 youth climate leaders in their landmark constitutional climate change case brought against the federal government. This is unprecedented!

The judge’s decision validates the science behind climate change and the responsibility that our elected leaders have in protecting our climate and our beautiful lands. These youth leaders, many from the frontlines of climate change, are bravely standing up for our collective future.

We had the fortune of sharing the good news with our Earth Guardians RYSE Youth Council, who are gathered together for a skills and empowerment training in the mountains of Colorado. This is an incredible victory, and one that comes at a time when we are empowering our youth council to train their peers in solutions-based organizing. Your support is critical to our ability to train thousands of youth and create the solutions we want to see for a just, clean energy future.

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