Goal #3 for Transforming our World 2015-2030: Good Health and Well Being

Despite having numerous physical, psychological and moral ailments, throughout my life on earth, I don't recall feeling anything other than good health and well being. Maybe it is because I am an eternal optimist. Or maybe I am an eternal optimist because I have never felt anything other than health and well-being.   When you have chronic disabilities, such as me, you have to learn…


Making Sustainable Sustainability Entrepreneurs

People with autism are prone to dying prematurely [http://bit.ly/23WJ7Es]. Children (up to 23 years of age in the USA) with autism are prone to suicide ideations and attempts [http://bit.ly/1JqH7hw]. Adults (aged 21 and upwards in UK) with Asperger's Syndrome also prone to suicide ideations and attempts [http://bit.ly/1KuwoBj]. Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are classed as serious mental diseases by the United Nations World Health Organisation…


Adrian Thomas (An Unusual Life)

David Adrian Thomas, Esq., M.C.I.H.T. Founder, Sole Owner, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the County Surveyors Society International Ltd., Dolau, Nebo, Llanon, UK. Adrian has been a promulgator of self-sufficient urban, rural and maritime development since very young. He planned his first model development at age 7½ in the UK and had his sights set on building his next in Canada. However, he suffered a head injury on his…